Friday, March 28, 2008

Response from Stonebridge and other notes

To All-
Sorry I have taken some time to get this posted- the General Manager for the golf course did return my call the next day and we had an interesting conversation. I told him to follow up with an e-mail and I would post it with regard to the operations of the course. First- He did offer the facilities of Stonebridge for our future meetings at a cost of $0 + gratuity for those employees who are there to keep the building open. A very gracious gesture.

Here is his letter-


First let me say that I appreciate your working with us to both improve the community and the golf course.

One thing I might say is that the Pro Shop has a whole new look and feel to it, we are only a couple of things away from completing it. We also carry a broader variety of products at competitive prices. Honestly I try and keep them lower than all of the area golf stores. We are also going to be working on the rest of the clubhouse in the future working our way inside out. This will take some time as we are doing these projects ourselves to keep costs to a minimum. Don’t be alarmed if you see my two Assistant Golf Professionals and myself here later than normal, we are the ones doing that work.

As for the course, remember we are doing the best we can with the resources we have available to us. Over the past three years our Superintendent and his staff, which is shorthanded, has done a phenomenal job keeping the course and the greens in great shape. Do you remember the years when the greens would burn up in the summer? Did you notice in August when we were hitting 100 degree temperatures that the greens were still in a great shape? I grew up here and I remember paying $50+ to play on those same burnt greens. Now we are charging less to play on greens that have not burnt up in a few years (I know there are a couple of small spots). So the best thing that people can do is to help us maintain it. Don’t treat it like a public park, especially the greens. If you come out and play, repair your ball marks on the greens, fill in the divots in the fairway, rake the bunkers, and pick up any garbage that you might see. But come out and support the course, the more people come and play the more we can do to improve in the near future.

Please just know that the current staff here is doing everything that we can do and we are committed to improving the course as much as possible, not just for ourselves or for Stonebridge, but for Lakeland and all of Shelby County.

If there is anything else you would like to add Michael please feel free.

Thanks again.

Brandon Sledge

Director of Golf and General Manager

Stonebridge Golf Club

3049 Davies Plantation

Lakeland, TN. 38002

Office - (901)382-1886

Fax - (901)382-4476

Monday, March 24, 2008

Off the market but still on our Minds!!

Last week it was printed in the Bartlett Express that the golf course was officially off the market. I called and spoke with Stonebridge today and am awaiting a call back from the general manager Brandon Sledge. My reason for the call is to get a feel for Linkscorps plan for the future of the course.
Do they plan to continue to run the course without making upgrades?
Do they plant to continue to run the course without performing the deferred maintenance on the course?

The answers to these questions will help us determine a future plan of action for the homeowners at Stonebridge. We can lobby Linkscorp the make the improvements if they plan no to- or we can be their cheerleader if they decide to invest in golf course and our community.

I will let you know how the conversation goes-


Monday, March 10, 2008

Steering Committee Meeting

To all:

First- some folks are letting me know that they are not receiving my e-mails- please e-mail me back and let me know you are getting this-

We had a steering committee meeting this afternoon and here is a brief overview of what was discussed:

Those attending where: Michael Stansbury Nikki Wheatley, Wayne Butler, Tom Pickering.

  • Setting up 4 committees under an one executive board
    1. Golf Course Committee (a group that actively supports the city’s purchase of the golf course)
    2. Neighborhood watch (crime deterent arm of the community)
    3. Beatification of Stonebridge (medians, entrances, etc)
    4. Social Activities (self explanatory)

  • Setting up accountability for the funds we will ask for from the members of the association
  • We will not have a pot luck event- we will have a meeting of Concerned Citizens of Stonebridge Subdivision of CROSS April 17th at 7:00

Location to be determined

We need volunteers to go door to door- please e-mail me if you are interested

  • Our agenda at the meeting may include approval of bylaws and organizing executive and sub committees, establishing contributions or dues for the group
  • We will be sending a postcard or a mailer to all of Stonebridge residents as a reminder

Remember- our property values are directly tied into the golf course and its future- already we have seen homes stay on the market longer than normal. The market is not the best it’s ever been right now- but Stonebridge has lots to offer those seeking homes, especially in an affordable price range. Your participation and your action now will directly affect your investment in the future.

Have a great week, Spring is here and it is time for Stonebridge to bloom!!!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

HOA Fruit

To All-

Thank you all for taking the time to come to the homeowner’s meeting last week. We had a great turnout.

Here is the fruit of this meeting-

  • We were almost unanimous on agreeing to form an organization that will resemble or be a home owner’s association with the purpose of communicating to all of the Stonebridge community and to organize and act on events that may affect our community.
  • The steering committee is meeting on Monday to discuss:

1. Newsletter

2. Hoa formation- getting $25.00 from Stonebridge residents

3. Accountability for funds

4. Using channel 19 for advertising our HOA meetings and other Stonebridge concerns

5. Block captains

6. Garage sale May 3rd- we may want to have the community wide event May 10- Lakeland is having a city wide garage sale that day and something for Lakeland elementary

When we met I spoke about the need to respond when called for. Here is what we will need in the future- if you can take on this responsibility please let me know you are willing. If you are not willing, but your spouse is, volunteer them, that’s how I get in a lot of trouble at my house, so won’t you join me?

  • Block captains (future responsibilities will include: neighborhood watch, flyers door to door on your street, responsible for letting your neighbors know and come to future HOA meetings, organize community wide block party’s with other captains)
  • Stonebridge Green Thumb committee (many homeowners remember a time when our entrance were reflective of the seasons we were in- now our entrances do not look so great- they offered to beautify those areas if provided with the funds for landscaping and mulch: manual labor)
  • Committed to be at the BOC meetings that discuss or vote on the golf course (responsibilities include: your time)

Please feel free to e-mail any suggestions- many of you have had great ideas, like this one:

One from Jack Smithmier on our organization title could be Concerned Residents of Stonebridge Subdivision or C.R.O.S.S. for short-

Just in time for Easter!